* Versailles was stunning.
* Then we went to see the Notre Dame (on l'Ile de Paris or s on l'Ile de Louis? we got a bit confused...) and discovered Berthillon ice cream - the best in Paris! - while we were there. We had to test them quite seriously to decide which flavour was best: chocolate or chocolate mint or chocolate orange or the famous caramel and salt or rum and raisin or mango or strawberry??? (We had help tasting.) I've decided it's choc-orange...
* That night we explored Paris with our host, who led us a dance up and down the metros and landmarks of Paris. Quite a night! We fell into bed at 1.30 am.
* Then we were off to Aix-en-Provence where we spent a delightful two nights with a new family. Lots of laughter, great conversation, delicious food... and discovery of this very beautiful town. I am hooked on those narrow streets and ancient-looking buildings, and also on French bread, and on couch surfing... (I've decided I much prefer meeting real people and learning about their culture first hand to visiting monuments.)
* We have just come to the end of a brief stay in a provincial village with yet another couple from the couch surfing organisation. Again, fabulous. I have collected a yummy recipe from each town. We walked from their country home into the village to visit the market, walking through vineyards and getting lost in narrow streets with deadends, enjoying the hourly church bells. Had a looooong siesta this afternoon.
* Tomorrow we head to Marseille, a seaside port, and then we are on our way to Italy where we will truly be tourists as we don't know any Italian. It's been magnificent to test my French and improve it and be surrounded by French while in France. I will have to return for more...
Photos - hmmm... we've run into some problems uploading them. Hopefully we will figure it out soon!
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