Sunday, February 22, 2009

Fires, spirit, healing, and practical strategies for our future

The last couple of weeks have seen Victorians facing the worst bush fires we have ever experienced in this state, and those fires are unleashing a great torrent of caring as people from all over the country, and even the world, contribute money and resources to help those who have lost everything.

It's almost presumptuous to comment when one has not been directly affected, but witnessing the courage, love and spirit of those who have been touched by the fires is immensely inspiring and reminds us that every cloud has its silver lining. 

For those who are in Melbourne, I'm offering two Sacred Writing workshops in Croydon on 1st March so that participants can express their feelings and help heal the land by owning our own Fire and Rain energies... Half of the proceeds will be donated to the Fire Appeal. (Email me if you'd like more information.)

Meanwhile I'd like to mention that last Friday I attended the launch of a wonderful new book by futurist Dr Peter Ellyard called Designing 2050 - Pathways to Sustainable Prosperity on Spaceship Earth. Dr Ellyard's mission is to convince humans that our task is to become 'planetists' and 'future makers' rather than 'future takers'. He offers many practical suggestions including the new businesses and products that will need to be created in the years ahead... and will cause some entreprenurial people to become the new billionaires. For those of you who are interested, visit